Thursday, April 23, 2015

I got this Lighthouse Bracelet from Alex 

and Ani last night. The money for getting 

this bracelet goes towards a charity for 

Leukemia and Lymphoma. I got this 

bracelet to remember my daddy who died

 from Lymphoma cancer. 

To my daddy..

Your battle is now over, no more tears flowing down your cheek.
No more pain, no more suffering, now you are no longer weak.
I still do not understand why this had to happen to you,
but I am proud to say you are my dad, the greatest man I knew.
Although you will not be here to walk me down the aisle,
when that day comes I know you will be by my side with a smile.
You were always there for me and never once made me cry,
until the day you closed your eyes and had to say goodbye.
No you are my Angel, so spread your wings out wide
please wrap them around me whenever you see me cry.
Our time together was memorable and God took you way too fast.
But the most precious thing to me was you being there for my first breath,
and me being there for your last..

I love you daddy. And I miss you like crazy. I think about you every second of everyday. Wish you were still here.
Love you.... Ali Gali.

The longer I live, the more I realize the impact your attitude has on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It's more important than the past, the education, the money.. More important than circumstances, failure, success.. More than what other people think or say or do.. It is more important than appearance, gifted-ness or skill. It can make or break a family... a friendship... a life. But the remarkable thing is that we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past. We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I'm convinced that life is 10% of what happens to us and 90% of how we will react to it... We are in charge of our own attitudes.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Wise Words From A Wise Friend

"Breathe. You're going to be okay. Breathe and remember that you've been in this place before. You've been this uncomfortable and nervous and scared. And you've survived. Breathe and know that you can survive this too. These feelings can't break you. They're painful and debilitating but you can sit with them and they'll pass maybe not immediately but sometime soon they are going to fade and you'll look back at this moment and laugh for doubting your resilience and you're so young. You will find love with someone who deserves it.  I know it feels unbearable right now but keep breathing again and again and it will pass.

Just do something different. Find yourself without anyone.

It's not meant to be and you broke up for a reason. You're just scared and alone so you feel like you want him but you don't, you want to be happy. And give it time more opportunities will come to you left and right
But if you go back to what was making you unhappy in the first place then you're going to just be stuck there."

How Do I Move On?

It's been almost 3 weeks since Charles and I broke up.. Isn't it supposed to be easier after this much time? Aren't I supposed to start feeling something other than pain and heartache? I spent a year living with him. A whole fucking year of seeing him every  single day. Sleeping with him by my side, Laughing, giggling, touching, just being us. I literally feel broken. I feel lost. And to be honest, this feels harder than losing my dad and my abusive marriage combined. And I have no idea why. Everyone says, "Its just a guy. Just a relationship. There are more guys out there." -So what? He is the one I want. So why can't I be with him? I love him. It's as simple as that. My last post seems to contradict this one. I get that. So sue me. I'm just spilling my feelings here. That's all I am doing. And right now my feelings are pain, hurt, sorrow, alone, confused, mistaken. No feelings of happiness. I feel dark, and alone. 

Accept Yourself

I've been through hell and back in my life. It's about time I don't care about what anyone thinks of me. Never be ashamed of who you are. You have to accept that not everyone is going to love you back. That's why it is important that you love yourself. It's not about being what everyone else wants you to be. It's about being yourself whole-heartedly. If you accept and are comfortable with who you are, no one can use your flaws against you. So don't change to please someone. Be simple. Be original. Be unique in your own simple way.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

That Day Will Come... Just Not Today.

I am a firm believer in true love. I do believe that there is someone out there for me who will eventually sweep me off my feet and make me wonder why I ever settled for anybody else. There is a man out there for me who I will celebrate countless anniversaries, Valentines Days' and Birthdays with. There is a man who I will be able to get through any fight, long distance, or hardship with and know that nothing will ever change. There is a man out there who I will share an unbreakable bond with held together by the deep desires of love.

But, not today. 

I don't want someone who I "won't be able to imagine my life without." I don't want someone to "have my whole heart". I don't want someone to be "my whole world", or "my rock", or "my better half". I don't want someone who can understand me better than I can understand myself. 

I want to feel whole. I want to be my own rock, my own anchor, my own soul-mate. I want to understand myself better than anyone else can. i don't want to look back and hate myself for altering my future for someone else when I know I wasn't ready to. 

That's why I don't want to find the man I will love forever today. Or tomorrow. Or the day after that. 

For those who know my, you know that when I fall, I fall fast, and I fall hard. I am a hopeless romantic who wears my heart on my sleeve. I simply love the idea of being in love. I can't remember a time in my life that I didn't have some type of interest in a guy. I love having a "texting buddy", I love feeling desired. I have gotten hurt a few times, but I always pick myself up and try to move on. But moving on is hard for me, simply because I love being in love. I've called guys "my better half, or "my rock". I've convinced myself that I can't picture my life without them. I'm starting to realize now, how that's the last thing I want in my future relationship(s). Especially as a young women in my early 20's. Before i enter into any serious relationship, I need to feel like I'm complete. And I need to be able to feel complete, while completely alone. 

I have dreams. I have plans that only involve myself. I'm at a pivotal point in my life where I get to decide where I go from here. I can travel, move across the country, and make stupid spontaneous decisions, just because I can. As of right now, there is nothing holding me back from where I want to take my life - well, having a bit more money would be nice, but, I'll figure that one out eventually. I don't want to find my true love yet. I'm not ready to settle and I'm not ready to alter my personal plans for someone else. The only thing that I am ready for is to discover where my life takes me. I'm ready to move across the country. I'm ready to make new and beautiful memories with people that I'll meet along the way. But, I am simply not ready to fall in love again. 

I want to imagine my own life. I want to be able to navigate through life's exciting opportunities and devastating disappointments independently, and if and when a guy decides he wants to join me, I'll still be able to have a piece of mind that I can do it alone. I will be able to imagine my life without him, because at that point I have already done it alone. 

I'm 21. I have too many stupid decisions to make before I decide my fate. I have the rest of my life to find the guy who gives love a whole new meaning for me.

That day will come. Just not today. 

Do You Believe In Fairy-Tales?

You know how when you were a little kid and you believed in fairy-tales? 

That fantasy of what your life would be: white dress, prince charming; who would carry you away to a big castle on a hill. You would lie in bed at night and close your eyes and you had complete and utter faith. -Santa Clause, The Tooth Fairy, The Easter Bunny, Prince Charming. They were so close you could taste them. But, eventually you grow up. 

One day you open your eyes and the fairy-tale disappears. 

Most people turn to the things and the people that they can trust. But the thing is... It's hard to let go of that fairy-tale entirely- because most people have that tiny bit of hope and faith that one day, they will open their eyes and it will all come true.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Only Memories Of What Once Was You: The Story Of How I lost My Daddy.

Just like any normal school night, I was in my kitchen watching cartoons, eating my dinner. I was sitting as close to the TV as I could with my chair pulled up to the counter-top like I always did. My mom always complained and said I would end up getting bad eye sight if I continued to do that, but I didn't care. I liked being right up next to the action.  My father had recently gone to the doctors to get his gallbladder out, but he was still having some stomach problems. So just to be safe, he went back to the doctors with my mother to get more tests done.  As I was finishing up my dinner, the front door swung open and in walked my parents. Looking at the expressions on their faces, I could tell that they had just learned something terribly wrong from the results of the tests
                “Will you go get your brothers and meet us in our bedroom?” my mother asked me kindly with a somber tone in her voice.  I carefully got out of my chair and headed down the stairs where my two brothers were playing video games.  They were sitting on the couch together laughing and yelling at one another playfully.  After I finished telling them what was going on, we climbed the stairs in fear for what we were about to be told.  None of us wanting to speak what was on our mind; we stayed silent and walked through our parent’s bedroom door.  Sitting on the new bedspread they had purchased earlier in the week, still stiff from not being washed yet, we sat in silence for what seemed like hours.  Scanning the freshly maroon painted room for something I could put my focus on instead of the teary eyes of my parents, my eyes landed on a picture hung up on the wall over their bed.  It was a picture of the Latter Day Saint prophet Thomas S. Monson and all of the apostles; they were wearing white colored suits in a beautiful holy temple.  Some were standing and some were sitting, smiling at what I could only imagine was the camera.  The room they were in was an outstandingly gorgeous baptistery, pure and white.  I was sitting there thinking about what it would be like to personally meet each of them when my father’s voice finally broke my trance and the uncomfortable silence.
                Once he had finished talking, I looked at my mother as tears stung in my eyes, “Is it true?” I asked her. “Does dad really have cancer?” As she nodded her head silently I could hardly breathe—the room began to spin and I felt like I was going to be sick.  I stood up and rushed out of the room, running through the hallway and through my bedroom door as I slammed it tightly shut as if I were trying to barricade the news from following me.  Trying to block out the sound of my parents still talking to my two brothers, my hands flew to my head where they were placed over my ears. I didn’t want to hear them talking anymore. I didn’t want it to be real. I suddenly went weak and I felt like I might faint right then and there.  My knees buckled out from underneath me as I crumbled to the floor.  I cried out in despair as I prayed to my Heavenly Father, begging him to please help my family and to help my father. I began to feel overwhelmingly angry with the world and specifically angry towards God. I got up from my knees and in an outbreak of rage and pain I began throwing things.  Everything that was in sight I grabbed and threw across the room: my school text books, a picture frame, pillows, and my lamp.  With every swift throw, the items crashed into the wall and were destroyed.  Carefully picking up the pieces of the picture frame that had shattered against the wall; I stared at the photograph that had been inside.  It was a picture of my family, sitting together in a grassy field, with great big smiles on our faces.  Looking at it I felt a piercing pain in my heart.  How did it so quickly go from a happy family with no problems to a family that was falling apart? I felt like I was dreaming. I was in a nightmare and I wanted to wake up.
In and out of the hospital weekly, having tests and chemotherapy treatments done, he was slowly withering away.  For every week that passed, he began to look more frail and fragile.  The drugs seemed to be making things worse for him, not helping.  He would come home, appointment after appointment, with an anguished look on his face and pain in his eyes.  I couldn’t take it anymore, so I began avoiding him.  I couldn’t handle looking into those dark eyes of his and seeing the pain in them, knowing that there was nothing I could do to help set him free from his affliction.  Looking back on those days, I wish I had reacted differently.  I wish I had taken more time to talk to him, had told him I loved him more often, and spent a little more time with him.  Instead, I had avoided him in the house, staying in my bedroom or even staying out late with friends just to escape looking into those troubled and sorrowful eyes. 
                It was the night before Christmas Eve, and it was my turn to look after my father.  Every day that week my family had been taking turns watching over him through the night and giving him his pain medications.  Earlier in the evening we had celebrated Christmas together.  That same morning my parents had gone to the doctors and were told that it would be wise to celebrate early.  “Just in case,” had been the nurses’ words.
 I looked over and saw him wincing with pain.  He was trying not to make any sound, for fear he’d wake me.   Little did he know, I’d been awake all night watching him; trying to memorize every feature on that face of his.  He had dark olive skin, chocolate brown eyes, thick dark eyebrows, and a smile that could melt anyone with just one look.  I didn’t want to forget anything.  I couldn't let myself fall asleep or even close my eyes; for fear that he’d leave me.
                I sat up as I asked him, “Do you need more morphine, dad?” He nodded his head yes.  Carefully climbing off of the couch, trying not to disturb him, I grabbed the medicine off of the coffee table in front of us.  With shaky hands I placed the drops in his mouth.
                My eyes heavy with tears, I sat there and watched him.  He’s in so much pain.  Why him?  Why would God choose him?  This wasn’t okay with me.  My dad was my best friend—I told him everything.  Without him, who was I going to go to when I was upset or was having problems with friends or at school? 
                Suddenly, there was a noise coming from my father.  I looked over to see him fiddling with his fingers, almost as if he were pressing buttons on a small device. His eyes suddenly flew open and he looked straight at me, “Sorry!”  He exclaimed once he saw the scared expression on my face.  “I thought I was texting Colbie.”  (Colbie is my sister. She was living away from home but had come to visit after hearing the inevitable of his death.) 
                Oh no, I thought, it’s too soon.  They told us he had another month.  How can he already be acting this way?  “It’s okay dad. Don’t worry about me.  Can I get you anything else?” 
                “I’m okay sweetheart, but thank you,” he replied.  Through the night I lay there trying to cover up the hurt and struggle I felt with this situation of his impending death.  It was so hard to just sit there are watch him literally wasting away.   I wanted my father to think that I wasn't scared.  I wanted to be strong for him; I needed to be strong for him.
 “Dad,” I said quietly. “Are you scared?”  He looked deep into my eyes as they began to fill with tears yet again.
                “Yes sweetheart. I’m scared.  But not for the reasons you would think.”  I looked at him questioningly as he continued, “I’m scared for you, and for you mother, and for everyone else.  I get to go to a better place where there is no sadness, while you guys have to stay here on this earth and go through more trials and tribulations.  I’m not scared to die. I’m ready.” He began to smile, “bring it on.” he said jokingly.
                With tears streaming down my face, I sat up and looked at him.  I grew profoundly angry with him as he spoke those words to me.  How could he say that? How could he just give up on life?  “Don’t you dare say that, dad. Don’t you dare! How can you say that to me? How can you just give up? I don’t want to live without you; I can’t live without you.  What am I supposed to do when I graduate? I want you to be there sitting in the crowd with mom, cheering for me as I get my diploma.  I want you there in the temple with me when I get married to the love of my life.  I want to have my daddy-daughter dance at my wedding like every other girl out there.  What about when I have kids?  They will grow up not knowing their own grandfather.  Please, please don’t give up on me.  Don’t give up on us,” I cried out. I lay there sobbing uncontrollably as he rubbed my back trying to comfort me. The roles had switched. Instead of me taking care of him that night, he was taking care of me.
                “Ali?” he whispered, eyes glistening. “When you graduate, just have your mother save me a seat and I promise I will be there watching you, cheering you on.  When you get married to your sweetheart, I will be there in the Celestial Room with a smile on my face, as proud as ever.  When you have children of your own, I will be there to look after them.  I will be their guardian angel. Ali, I will always be with you.” 
Hours later, the time had finally come.  Sitting together as a family, watching him in his last moments of life, it seemed so surreal.  Every few minutes his eyes would wander around the room, as if he were searching for something.  I tried to focus on what was happening so suddenly.  I was curled up on the chair next to the couch watching.  I was numb, stunned, and unsure of how I was supposed to react.  These things only happen in movies.  I don’t know what I am supposed to do or how I am supposed to feel?  My older sister and my two brothers were in front of the couch, crouched down by my father.  He looked like he was in such pain and agony as he began to struggle for air.  Swiftly, but reverently, my brother, Sam, took my father’s hand in his and choking back tears he whispered, “Dad, it’s okay. Just go.”  My father then took one last look around the room, and took his final breath.  The sound he made before that last breath will be with me for the rest of my life.  To this day, I can still hear it; exactly as it sounded. 
                To this day I still miss him and I always will.  It will never be the same in my household without him, but now I have another angel on my team, watching me, looking out for me, carrying me, every single step of the way.

Diabetes - IM DONE!

For almost nine years you have put the biggest limitations on my shoulders and defined so many aspects of my life. I have tried to manage you, but I get so tired of it. I have no motivation anymore. I just want to be a normal girl, and live a normal life. I'm so sick of you. I hate everything about you. I hate your pokes and jabs, and how you make me sick and irritable or make me act like a complete fool. But what I hate is when people think they know what I go through because of you. I'm sorry, but unless you live with this nuisance, YOU HAVE NO IDEA. I'm nowhere near perfect when it comes to diabetes, and I never have been. But it has gotten to the point where I just don't care what happens anymore. I'm tired of being nagged, I'm tired of appointment after appointment being told that drastic improvement is needed, I'm tired of hearing about all the complications, they just piss me off and make me want to smack someone for even putting the stupid thought in my head. I know the risks, I know the complications, but it doesn't make it any better,and it doesn't make it go away. I have zero hope for a cure. Why? Because money is more valuable and precious than the quality of a human life. Companies will be out millions of dollars if any such cure was ever found. So why even think about it?
So all I'm left to do is wait. Wait until someone cares enough to end this.
But it never goes away and it never takes a break.
I dread going to the doctors, because I already know what they are going to say, and even if make the slightest improvement, it will never be enough. It's a slap in the face, and a constant reminder that I will never be good enough.
I'm tired of no one understanding. No one telling me that it will be okay, and that I can do it. Instead I have all those telling me that it's not that hard, I just need to work more. 
I wish they knew how hard it is, and that sometimes I just would rather give up completely than go another day with this stupid disease. I would give it up. If I had the chance to go back and change it. I would in a heartbeat, I wouldn't even hesitate.
You may say I'm weak, but so be it. I can't handle it anymore.
The best I can do is try, no I may not be the best diabetic, but I don't want this to have control over me.
I want to be stronger, I just don't see how I can.

Where Did My PTSD Come From?

I guess it's time I tell you all about why I have my own PTSD. At least one of the stories. When I was 18 years old, I got married. I graduated High School a semester early (another story for another time as to why I did that) and I moved away to start my college life. Not even a few months after I was in college, I met Matthew Nikon. -So before i tell you this story, you need to know something else. When I was 17, my dad died of cancer (again, another story for another time) - I fell away from the LDS church that I grew up in and my mom basically shunned me. I wasn't allowed to come home for Spring Break because of how mad she was at me. I met Matthew, who was 24 at the time and a return missionary for the LDS church. When I told my mother that I was dating an LDS man, she was ecstatic and told me "dad sent him here for you". What the fuck? How was I supposed to take that? Of course I began to fall in love with Matthew. He really was a great guy! plus, my mom was my friend again and "my dad sent him for me", right? 4 short months later we were engaged, and 2 months later we were married in the St. George temple.
About two months after me and Matthew got married.. That is when things started to go downhill. No one knew because, you know me, I am good at lying and putting on a face. So I pretended things were okay and that I was alright. The WE were alright. I was trying to convince myself things were okay between Matthew and I. I figured, if I kept pretending, then sooner or later it would just be okay. What I mean by "downhill", he began to verbally abuse me. Call me names, yell at me, was very vulgar towards me... and I took it. People always say that marriage is gunna' be hard and that the first year will be the hardest.. But, now I know that it should never be THAT hard. So, the verbal abuse began. He never seemed to care about anything to do with me.. I didn't know what we were becoming. Just rolling through the motions everyday, I could try or not try, and it seemed like he could care less either way. As time went on, I began to lose my faith in the church and in God. I lost all faith. Lost my testimony... well lost what little of a testimony I had from the beginning. So, slowly, I stopped going to church and stopped praying and reading scriptures.A few months later, he began to be physically abusive to me. He would hit me, grab me, bruise me, scream at me. I was trapped in an abusive relationship.  Physically and emotionally abusive relationship. I always thought to myself... (why do women stay in an abusive relationship. I feel like it would be so easy to leave someone like that) -well, now I know how hard it is. I loved him. I loved him so much even when he would hurt me. I couldn't leave him. I told no one and dealt with it. I would cover up my bruises and cover up my pain and hurt that I felt. A few months rolled by and I broke down. I couldn't take it anymore. I found out he had cheated on me with a girl he worked and went to school with. I was beyond hurt. I kicked Matthew out and asked for a divorce. 3 weeks with very minimal talking, he came over and we talked all night. He apologized for everything and promised he would work on our relationship together, I believed him. I loved him. So, I took him back. Not less than 2 weeks later it all began again. He began screaming profanities out to me again, calling me terrible, hurtful names. He began hitting me again, This time more often and with a lot more force. I thought I could take it, I thought I could fix him and change him. I loved him and I didn't want to leave him. I married him. I made a commitment to him, to stay with him through good and bad. But I became so depressed and so lost and alone. Finally I go the courage. On October first, I told him I was leaving him and that we were getting divorced and there was going to be no discussion on the matter. I packed up some of my things, and I slept in my car for a week outside of work. I would get up in the morning and shower and get ready at the gym then head to work. Finally I found an apartment near work to move into. About 3-4 weeks after I left, I met up with Matthew to give him some things that I found of his. I was returning his stuff. I met him at his house and I was dumb enough to go alone. Matthew forced me down stairs, abused me and raped me. During all of this, it was so much stress on my body that I went into shock and I passed out. When I woke up he was nowhere around so I ran out of there and left. 

When Charles and I started dating, I would start to have a panic attack anytime he made a sudden movement. If he touched my neck I would start to hysterically cry. Charles helped me move past that. Which is why I had to leave him. His lashing out has started to cause my PTSD to come back. It's just so hard. I want to be there for him through his pain, but I cant'. I can't cause my own issues to surface again. I was in a dark place after and during my divorce. I made some bad choices I can never take back. I have scars that will never fade; emotional and physical scars. Am I wrong to be feeling the way I feel or to be doing what I am?

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Why Am I Doing This To Myself?

Wow... I don't know if I should consider myself an absolute idiot right now or not.... Last night, Charles and I were texting. (keep in mind that him and I have hardly talked at all the past two weeks and I think I have seen him once since, just to get the rest of my things from his place) We were talking and I was bored, so we decided to hang out. "No expectations" is what we said to one another. At all. Just hanging out and talking. On the way there I had the most major butterflies I think I have ever experienced. I was excited and terrified all at the same time. I got inside his place and we sat on the couch, started and movie and just began chatting. Like old times. He sat really close to me, almost leaning his body into mine. I could smell him. I could feel the warmth in his body. I felt that spark I've been longing to feel from him. The whole time that we talked and sat, I tried my absolute hardest to not just lean over and kiss those amazing, pink, soft lips of his. They were staring at me, begging to be kissed by me and tasted. 
As the night went on, there was more touching, caressing, rubbing; casual, small flirting. I told him about my blog. (of course didn't give him the name - just told him that I started one) I decided to read him a little bit of my last post since he asked if that would be okay. I started to read out loud the story of how him and I met, as I got closer to the break up portion of the story I stopped, for fear it would be too hard and sorrowful to hear. I looked up from my phone, and saw tears running down his face while his eyes were closed. He looked like he was in such agony and pain. "Charles, I am so so sorry. That was not supposed to make you cry." Of course, thats when I began to cry. I curled up into the side of his arm and we hugged while we shed a few tears, obviously knowing that each tears were full of love and pain. As we pulled away from our hug, we sat there lingering, faces close to each others. "Can I?" he asked me, as he watched me stare at his lips. I nodded yes. He began to lean into the kiss and I couldn't handle it anymore. My face flew forward, lips on his, in the most passionate loving kiss I have ever experienced. The moment our lips touched, he grabbed me tightly and pulled me onto his lap. We sat there in an embrace as we kissed. My hands running through his soft brown hair and his hands grabbing at my hips and legs. Unable to breath from the rush I pulled away, looked into his eyes, and tears immediately began to flow from my eyes. He grabbed me in a hug as he told me "its okay" "I'm sorry" " its okay". -- But it's NOT okay. This is the man that I love. Not LOVED. LOVE. And we were sitting there kissing and it was much for my heart to handle. I sat there sobbing for a few minutes. Of course, as soon as I stopped, we were kissing again. My legs were wrapped around his waste and him sitting on the couch. He stood up with me still wrapped around him and turned around as I set my legs on the couch so that we were just about the same height. " we aren't having sex" I said out loud. My mind was in a whirl. I wanted to so passionately make love to this man. This man I had come to love and care so much about. We stopped, apologized to each other for what had just happened and continued on with our night. The entire time, just stopping mid sentences to grab one another in a kiss. 
The whole night, Charles kept saying "no expectations" which is what I had said in the beginning... So why did it hurt so bad to hear him continually say that to me? I knew there were no expectations. But is it wrong of me to have almost wanted him to try to get me back again? To ask me to come home? I know that even if he asked, and even though I so incredibly painfully want to be there back with him, I knew I would say no. So why was it stinging so much every time he said that sentence out loud?
The hours passed and it began to pour rain outside. With no expectation or any reason to think that anything would come from this night, we agreed I would spend the night. It was dark out, I didn't have my glasses, it was pouring rain, and I was falling asleep. I was so tired. The last two weeks I have not gotten more than 2 hours of sleep a night. I have continually been waking up drenched in sweat having anxiety attacks. This whole experience has been killing me. I love him, I do. I want him. I just know its not the best thing for either of us at this time in each of our lives. 
It was getting close to 3 AM when we finally climbed into bed. We lay there cuddling one another, kissing each other softly every so often. Suddenly he pulled me onto him once again, we began to kiss intently. Hard. Passionate. Loving. Sorrow. Pain. Hurt. Agony. Charles and I made love to one another like our lives depended on it. I have never felt that much love and pain at once than I did in that moment. I didn't want it to end. 
Morning came, and I said goodbye and went home. I knew that there was nothing that would come out of that night, so why am I so sad again? Why am I doing this to myself? Why can't I just move past this? - Oh I know. Because he is the man that I was made for. But, if he were the man I am meant to be with, why can't it be now? Why does life have to continually be so painful and hard? 

Friday, April 10, 2015

When Will The Pain End?

Started a new job this week.... I have a lot of down time so I decided to start myself a blog. Maybe it will be good for me, to write things down. I have had a lot of shitty experiences in my life. Some good ones too, but mainly shitty. I wont go into detail about my entire life with you right now, as I am sure the more I write and the more you read my blog, you will learn all about it. There's too much to write in just one day. So I guess you will learn about me as I go? 

Last week my boyfriend an I broke up. A pretty hard break up to be honest. Which is what I am doing on here; being completely honest. I mean, my blog IS called Confessions of a 21 year Old Girl, is it not? (only lies on here will be names)
Charles Barton. I met him my first year in High School. He played Varsity Baseball for my school as 3rd basemen. We had a Science class together. I remember that day we met entirely too well. I was wearing a white sun dress with my red flats that I borrowed from my sister (without permission of course) and a red short sleeve cardigan. He wore a dark blue v-neck tee-shirt with black shorts, black long socks and some dark gray vans, He was sitting near the back next to someone I did not like. So naturally, I ignored the two of them as they made comments and jokes my way. Finally I turned around and asked them to knock it off. But, as I turned around and made eyes with Charles, I truly noticed how handsome he was.My first real High School crush. After the bell rang, letting our class out for the day. Charles snuck up behind me, stole my cellphone, and took off running down the hallway. I chased him all around the High School hallways, trying to obtain my cellphone. Hello!? That's mine!! Ending up corning him by the cafeteria and courtyard hallway, I demanded he return my phone. "Who is Cody?" Charles asked me, (obviously he had gone through my texts) -Later I found out he wanted to see my phone to ensure I did not have a boyfriend I was texting. Charles and I dated off an on- well, I wouldn't say dated, more like hooked up. Through out the last five years, from High School to now, Charles and I continued to be friends and keep in contact. Last year, February 23rd, Charles and I went on our first official date, starting something beautiful. Charles became by best friend. He helped me through some tough times I have experienced in his life, and I tried to help him through his... The longer Charles and I dated, the more resentful, bitter and angry he became, Not because of me so get that out of all of your heads..... He has been through SOO much it's insane. Charles needs help. I don't know how else I can say it. He has so much hidden deep inside and so much built up from everything he has experienced in his life. I personally think he has a mental disorder like: bipolar, depression, anger management, PTSD, something like that. I asked him to get help and to go see someone for it, bu the wont. We have had this same argument and discussion for nearly 5 months. I can't continue to  be his target when he is mad or upset. He takes his stress and anger out on me. I'm the one on the other end of it all. His emotional rampage and beatings. His personality changes so quickly with me and I can't do it anymore. I love and care about him with all my heart, But I can't anymore... I need to look after my own well being before my own PTSD comes back from how he is acting. 

I just can't believe I am this sad and I am only 21. I never get a break it seems. Diabetes, Celiac Disease, a Heart Defect, my dad passing away, married someone who abused and raped me, got a divorce. Then I start to date Charles again.... my High School crush. I think my life is finally turning around for me. But no. Just as things seem to get better I am laying there with my face in the dirt again. When will it end for me? When will I get to be happy?